首页owners who have equity in their home can use it as revolving credit and borrow against it when they use a 首页 Equity 信贷额度, 也被称为HELOC. 获得HELOC很容易, and it can come in handy when you need quick access to funds at a favorable interest rate.


首页 equity is the current market value of your home minus the amount you owe on it. 例如, 假设你的房子评估价值是200美元,000, 你有80美元,你还欠抵押贷款. 在这种情况下,你有12万美元的房屋净值(20万到8万美元). 不知道你的房子值多少钱? 当你在Arbor Financial申请HELOC时, the application process will include a home valuation which will tell you what the approximate current market value of your home is. Keep in mind that most lenders will only lend up to 90% of the loan to value ratio. 

在Arbor Financial, 你可以用你的房屋净值获得10美元起的信用额度,000英镑作为抵押借款, 类似于信用卡, 只是利率比信用卡低得多. 你可以随时从你的HELOC预支, 而且对你如何花钱也没有限制! +, you can add optional loan protection that will take over your loan payment if you become disabled, 已故的, 或失业. 


1. 支付房屋改善费用.

HELOC最受欢迎的用途之一是家庭装修, and those that increase the value of your home make using your HELOC well worth it. Just be mindful of what will actually increase your home's value and what projects may not. 新油漆, 硬木地板, 厨房的改进都是能产生增值的项目, 然而,车库改建可能不会. Or, maybe you plan on staying in the house for a while and simply wish to make it more comfortable and attractive by purchasing new furniture.

2. 还清信用卡或其他高息债务.

债务合并是房屋净值的另一个常见用途. 如果你有信用卡债务, then you are most likely paying two or three times the interest than you would with a HELOC. According to Datatrac, on May 1, 2023, the national average interest rate of credit cards was 16.80%**. 将你的信用卡债务转到HELOC可以为你节省数百美元, 如果不是几千美元的话, 兴趣.

在使用HELOC进行债务合并时,您也必须谨慎. 有一个可靠的债务整合计划并坚持下去是关键. Assess why you have so much credit card debt and how you will avoid adding to your debt.

3. 支付教育费用.

使用HELOC来帮助支付教育费用是学生贷款的另一种选择. 在动用你的房屋资产之前, 评估你所有的贷款选择来帮助支付教育费用, 包括条款和利率.

4. 安排假期.

生活在密歇根州, 你知道人们对假期的渴望, 尤其是在漫长的冬季. If you must borrow money to take a vacation, then tapping into your HELOC is an option. Most financial experts agree that using your home equity for vacations is not prudent, and you could find yourself getting into trouble if you don’t have a plan in place. 然而, with a solid repayment plan in place, it can be a very convenient option.

5. 支付医疗费用.

即使有保险,医疗费用也可能很高. 使用低利率的HELOC可能是一个不错的选择. 在大多数情况下, you will find the interest rate from a HELOC to be the most competitive rate; since you are borrowing from your own home's equity. 然而, it makes sense to review your options when it comes to paying for medical expenses.

6. 用作第二套房的首付款.

Ah, 所以你想要第二个家, 度假屋, 湖边的小屋, 或者去偏远的树林里参加一年一度的狩猎之旅? Tapping into the equity from your first home could be just what you need to help finance that second home. 在你开始利用这些资产之前, 你可能想要讨论购买第二套房的最佳策略 阿伯金融抵押贷款专家. 在Arbor Financial, we have several mortgage options to help you get into your first or second home with low to no down payment options while avoiding private mortgage insurance.


7. 用作租赁投资物业的首付款.

Tapping into your equity may be the perfect solution to snagging a great deal on a rental investment property. 你可以用它作为首付款, 或者在很多情况下, 你可以用你的HELOC支付全部费用. 就像购买其他房产一样, 和专业人士谈谈你的贷款选择是有意义的. 点击这里与我们的商业贷款专家交谈. 

8. 用作紧急情况下的额外缓冲. 

在理想的情况下, you should have an emergency fund with at least three months’ worth of living expenses saved. 然而, 如果你的储蓄账户里没有那么多现金, 或者你需要比预期更多的储蓄, HELOC可以在紧急情况下提供缓冲. 请记住,如果你有HELOC,你不需要向它借钱.

9. 用它来建立你的信誉. 

Opening a HELOC may be a way for you to build your credit profile, much like a credit card might. If you are opening a HELOC for this purpose it is important to use it responsibly, 按时支付所有款项, and talk to someone before opening it to ensure you know all the possible benefits and disadvantages. 

10. 用它来支付园林绿化费用. 

Using your HELOC to pay for landscaping projects is a great way to help your family get outside more and possibly increase the value of your home. 无论是为你的孩子增加一个游泳池, 一个供朋友和家人聚会的火坑, 或者为你的新烧烤架和家庭晚餐建一个门廊, HELOC可以帮助你实现梦想. 


Whether you hold your first mortgage at Arbor Financial or someplace else, you can apply for a HELOC. You have the option to borrow starting at a credit line of $10,000 with a 10-year draw period*. This means you can access your funds at any time in any amount that you’re approved for and only pay interest on the amount that is drawn. Arbor Financial does not have an annual fee for a HELOC, and there is no application fee. 但是,可能需要支付一些结案费用.

一旦你申请HELOC, 贷款专家将安排房屋评估或房屋估值, 哪些因素将决定你房子的市场价值. 一旦获得批准,你就可以获得房屋净值信贷额度! 





*须经信贷审批. An 汽车mated Valuation Model (AVM) will be used to determine equity on HELOC requests amounts less than $75,000. Members have the option to purchase an appraisal at their own cost if they disagree with the AVM value. 根据每个成员的具体情况,贷款有结算成本. 如有更改,恕不另行通知.

* *的分析 Datatrac 截至2023年5月1日.

